Telstra Glen Waverley was one of the first FRE 1.5 new stores, and wanted a secure yet engaging solution for their devices and accessories.
Retail Security
Glen Waverley, Victoria

At a glance
Sabel has enjoyed a long association with the bricks and mortar retail division of Australia’s largest telecommunications provider, Telstra.
On each occasion our aim is to increase customer engagement with smart phones and mobile technology, while also securing products against theft.
At Telstra Glen Waverley, Sabel worked with the store design and the fit-out team to source a range of merchandising display options that encourage customer interaction with the products, reduce theft, and offer the flexibility to cater to merchandise that is regularly updated.
Our Approach
Showcasing mobile technology, such as smartphones presents a unique challenge. On one hand, the customer needs to touch, feel and interact with the latest technology. On the other, these valuable items need to be protected against theft.
Meanwhile, the regular updates to product lineups require a merchandising solution that can cater not only to what is available now, but what will be available in the future.
In response to these needs, Sabel provided Telstra Glen Waverley with state-of-the-art InVue merchandising displays that are purpose-designed to encourage customer interaction while providing superior security.
Each display features a minimalistic design that allows customers to pick up and engage with the product. Importantly, it also allows the staff to lock the phones down when necessary. The displays cater to a wide range of smartphone and mobile technology brands and have the ability to accommodate both current and future product lineups.