Telstra Pakenham was looking for a phone security solution that would not be defeated yet aesthetically pleasing and offer a great customer experience.
Retail Security
Pakenham, Victoria

At a glance
Located in Pakenham Victoria, Telstra FRE 1.5 is one of more than 200 Telstra retail outlets nationwide.
The store offers a range of products and services including telecommunications advice, customer service and access to the latest products such as smart phones.
Sabel assisted Telstra FRE 1.5 during the establishment of this flagship store, providing merchandising display solutions that offer security yet allow customers to engage with new technology.
Our Approach
Telstra is renowned for its appealing retail stores, which offer a distinctive, eye-catching and open plan feel that invites people to engage with and experience the latest telecommunications technology.
Our aim was to provide merchandising display solutions that catered to the feel of the store, yet also provided superior security.
The result is interactive merchandising displays that allow customers to touch, feel and engage with the latest technology while allowing the staff to lock down the phones when necessary.